
We understand mental health and wellbeing and we are here for you if you are finding things difficult.

If you are struggling with your feelings, we have lots of practical tips and tools that we can share with you to help you explore and understand your feelings. We will help you to find the tips and tools that will work best for you.

The section below includes a library of resources (information, self help tools and goal setting worksheets).

Please use the search function, or the drop down category box to search for topics such as emotions, bullying, relationships etc.

You can also download or print our Signposting Guide – which signposts children and young people to mental health support in Hertfordshire.

Content for all ages

Content for children

Content for young people

Content for parents

Coping Strategies Fortune Teller
Coping Strategies Fortune Tellercoping-strategies
My Happy Place
My Happy Placeemotions
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Thoughts On Trialstress
My Happy And Sad Ladder
My Happy And Sad Ladderemotions
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Goal Setting Traffic Lightsgoal-setting
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
My Changesgoal-setting
What Makes Me, Me (Puzzle)
What Makes Me, Me (Puzzle)identity
My Goals For Secondary School
My Goals For Secondary Schoolgoal-setting
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Anger Trigger Trackeranger
Who Am I
Who Am Iidentity
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Alternatives For Self Harmlow-mood
Anxiety Trigger Tracker
Anxiety Trigger Tracker, , , anxiety emotions stress wellbeing
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Self Harm Trigger Trackerlow-mood
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Self Harm Safety Planlow-mood
Self Harm Prevention Steps
Self Harm Prevention Steps, , , , , anger anxiety emotions low-mood stress wellbeing
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
My Emotions Icebergemotions
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
My Anxiety Iceberganxiety
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Exploring My Emotionsemotions
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Managing My Angeranger
My Relationship Difficulties
My Relationship Difficultiesrelationships
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
What I Want To Beidentity
My Anger Traffic Lights
My Anger Traffic Lightsanger
Changing My Challenging Thoughts
Changing My Challenging Thoughtslow-mood
My Emotions My Gingerbread
My Emotions My Gingerbreadidentity
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Emotions Cardsemotions
Intrusive Thoughts Workbook
Intrusive Thoughts Workbookanxiety
Problem Solving
Problem Solving, , , anxiety emotions stress wellbeing
Breaking Down A Goal
Breaking Down A Goalgoal-setting
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Family Treerelationships
Setting A Goal
Setting A Goalgoal-setting
Self-Hatred Vs Self Acceptance
Self-Hatred Vs Self Acceptance, , , , , anger anxiety emotions relationships stress wellbeing
Negative Thoughts Record
Negative Thoughts Recordlow-mood
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Worksheet
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Worksheetanxiety
Anxiety Triggers
Anxiety Triggersanxiety
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
My Circles Of Control, emotions wellbeing
What Is In My Control?
What Is In My Control?, emotions wellbeing
My Habit Tracker
My Habit Trackergoal-setting
My Safety Plan
My Safety Plan, , anxiety emotions wellbeing
Different Change Scenarios
Different Change Scenariosanxiety
a round royal blue With Youth logo with the font in white
Behaviour Reflection Log, , emotions relationships wellbeing
Understanding My Emotions
Understanding My Emotionsemotions
My Anger Thermometer
My Anger Thermometeranger
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Letter To A Loved Onegrief
Mindfulness Exercises
Mindfulness Exercisescoping-strategies
Who Am I?
Who Am I?identity
The Emotion Wheel
The Emotion Wheelemotions
The Emotion Wheel
The Emotion Wheelemotions
Coping With Problems
Coping With Problemscoping-strategies
Coping With Changes
Coping With Changescoping-strategies
a round royal blue With Youth logo with the font in white
Autism Information Sheet, , emotions relationships wellbeing
My Worry Bugs
My Worry Bugsanxiety
My Reflection On Self Confidence
My Reflection On Self Confidence, , anxiety emotions wellbeing
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Exploring My Fearsanxiety
Who Am I?
Who Am I?, , anxiety emotions wellbeing
Behaviour Traffic Light
Behaviour Traffic Light, emotions wellbeing
Exploring Anxiety and Worries
Exploring Anxiety and Worries, , anxiety emotions wellbeing
Tips On Coping With Anger
Tips On Coping With Anger, anger emotions
How To Manage Feeling Angry
How To Manage Feeling Angry, anger emotions
How To Manage Feeling Angry
How To Manage Feeling Angry, anger emotions
a round royal blue With Youth logo with the font in white
Depression Information Sheet, low-mood wellbeing
Types of Mental Health Information Sheet
Types of Mental Health Information Sheet, low-mood wellbeing
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
The Stress Bucketstress
My Strengths
My Strengthswellbeing
My Strengths
My Strengthswellbeing
What Is A Social Battery?
What Is A Social Battery?, emotions wellbeing
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
My Relationship Circlerelationships
The Phases Of Grief
The Phases Of Griefgrief
My Life And Goals
My Life And Goalsgoal-setting
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
How To Feel Relaxedself-care
a round royal blue With Youth logo with the font in white
Low Mood Information Sheetlow-mood
What Makes Me Feel Sad
What Makes Me Feel Sadlow-mood
Intrusive Thoughts Worksheet
Intrusive Thoughts Worksheet, anxiety wellbeing
How To Deal With Cyberbullying
How To Deal With Cyberbullyingbullying
How To Deal With Bullies
How To Deal With Bulliesbullying
How To Deal With Bullies
How To Deal With Bulliesbullying
Making Friends
Making Friendsrelationships
The Five Ways To Wellbeing Superhero
The Five Ways To Wellbeing Superherowellbeing
The Five Ways To Wellbeing
The Five Ways To Wellbeing, goal-setting wellbeing
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
CBT Exposure Laddercbt
Tips For Exam Stress
Tips For Exam Stressstress
Tips For Exam Stress
Tips For Exam Stressstress
Helpful And Unhelpful Coping Strategies
Helpful And Unhelpful Coping Strategies, coping-strategies low-mood
Challenging Negative Self thoughts
Challenging Negative Self thoughtsemotions
CBT Thoughts, Emotions And Behaviours
CBT Thoughts, Emotions And Behaviourscbt
CBT Thinking Errors
CBT Thinking Errorscbt
My Anger Mask
My Anger Maskanger
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Achievements And Future Ambitionsgoal-setting
Understanding My Emotions
Understanding My Emotionsemotions
Goal Setting Workbook
Goal Setting Workbookgoal-setting
a round orange With Youth logo with the font in white
Anxiety Flash Cardsanxiety